Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just keep swimming....

So life continues on! This semseter was projected to be a busy one, and it has proven to be just that! I'm currently taking 17 credits (which includes one of the hardest classes offered in my major... :/!) I'm also a committee member for the Sudent Spirit Events board. Up to this week I was part of the student government here on campus, but I just couldn't keep up with everything, so they kindly asked me to step back so that someone else with more time could have the opportunity. ( I think it's a blessing in disguise!)

NOW... here's the REAL news... I've had two of my friends pestering me for WEEKS to join the swim team. I wasn't really excited for it, and wasn't even going to do it because I didn't want to have the time commitment. BUT... they won out in the end, so yesterday I went to the first practice of the semester for the BYU-Idaho Spartains! It practically killed me... and this morning I woke up SUPER SUPER SUPER sore, but surprisingly I'm REALLY excited for the season! As part of the practices we have "dryland" twice a week. Since it's not really a part of being on the team it isn't mandatory to go, but I decided it would be a good way to get out and exercise... so tonight I got to participate in a "dryland" practice. This too was crazy hard, and invovled a LOT of running. Let's just say by Friday I'm not sure I've even going to get out of bed! Oh the joys!

I decided that since I'm starting a REGULAR exercise schedule I needed to do my part and work on eating more healthy. SO after practice tonight I went to the store and bought banana's, spinach, peaches, whole grain bread, corn tortillas, and mozerella cheese (it's better for you because there is a lower fat content.... you learn something new everyday huh!?!?!) I also made a deal with a girl on my team that we would go off sugar (except on Sunday!). SO... hopefully by the end of the semster I'll be HEALTHY!!!! PARTY!!!!! :)

Well I think that's about all new in my life. OH... except everyone really needs to go see the movie Forever Strong. It's AMAZING! It is rated PG-13, for teen drinking, and there is a scene with girls in bikini's, but it is SO good! It has an amazing message!


Jeanne and Nelson said...

Most excellent blog. Party. Mom

erika said...

That is awesome Dianna! I'm so impressed....maybe I should go off sugar too :)
Can't wait to hear how the swim season goes!